Yes, I know it has been a long time since I have posted something worth while. I blame it all on this pregnancy. It seriously seems like and eternity that I have been pregnant this time, but I know that these next few weeks I have left will go by fast...well, they better. I am ready to see this little guy. He has been keeping me company while the kids have been at school, kicking my ribs and trying to push himself out on his own. Ouch! Anyway, I just wanted to keep in touch and show you one of the things I have been working on now that I'm starting the "nesting" phase of this pregnancy. These cute hats were made using the Knifty Knitter small blue loom. These were made in about 45 min. each! Super easy! My 10 year old daughter made the white with blue rim and pom pom.
Check out the knifty knitter here. I have also started crocheting some baby booties, but the first one wasn't really photo worthy. You can find all sorts of projects on you tube, some really cute stuff! Also, there are a lot of tutorials for the knifty knitter on you tube too! Just search for them. You can make scarfs, pillows, prayer shawls, etc. Lot's of fun!
Now I wanted to post a pic of me pregnant. Before photoshop I would never have done this :) But now that I can fix my uneven skin (due to pregnancy mask) and tighten my chin, and add a really pretty finish to it, I thought "what the heck" I'm on my 5th child, maybe I should actually let someone take a picture of me pregnant. So we drove up Kolob Canyon (one of the most beautiful places on earth) and picked some Elderberries to make jam with (which turned out being Elderberry syrup) and I had my husband take some snapshots of me. Here is my favorite!
Before you know it, I will be posting some pics of our new bundle of joy! I can't wait to see who he resembles and if he has that same little man cry that my other 2 boys had. They seriously sounded like boys right from the beginning. I can't wait to have him curl up on my chest so I can bury my nose in his hair and smell the scent of baby powder! Until then, here are some of my favorite blogs I have been reading...